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[/et_pb_code][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.14.7″ text_font=”Playfair Display|600|||||||” text_font_size=”30px” header_font=”Playfair Display SC||||||||” custom_margin=”||0px” custom_padding=”||0px|||” global_colors_info=”{}”]Why is Personal Branding Important in a Post-Pandemic World? 5 Tips to Help You Stand Out
When social distancing mandates were put in place, the internet became a source of connection for virtually everyone. Brick and mortar stores were forced to shift the way they did business, or face shutting their doors completely. And as opportunities to network, shop & do business face to face decreased… more and more people began going online.
Buying habits were already shifting prior to the pandemic. But the shut down sped things along, and now, more than ever, people are turning to social media as their go-to source not only for entertainment & socializing, but also for shopping, education, news, support and finding solutions to the problems or pain points they want solved.
As an entrepreneur, it’s never been more important to stand up and stand out on social media. Your potential customers, clients & teammates are already online searching for solutions that your products, services & business can provide… the question is, in their search… are they finding you, or your competitors?
In this video we’re going to show you how to do a quick review of your social media presence to make sure you’re standing out as the solution your ideal clients & customers are looking for so you can create a profitable personal brand, serve more people and create a larger impact in today’s post-pandemic world.
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Having a step-by-step social media posting strategy can be a total game changer for your business. When you have a plan… the overwhelm & confusion around what, when and where to post completely melts away.
We put together a free resource for you… our complete Social Media Posting Plan, fully updated with all the recent algorithm updates, so you can move forward with a clear strategy. Inside we share the posting plan we follow to power our own personal brand on Facebook, Instagram & for your stories, so you can grow your following, generate leads, and boost your sales. You can download it now by clicking on the button above, or just click here.
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When it comes to doing business in a post-pandemic world… just how important is social media? 54% of browsers use social media to research products, look for reviews and find recommendations.
And 71% of people who’ve had a positive experience with a brand on social media are likely to recommend that brand’s products & services to a friend or family member.
60% of Instagram users report finding new products on the platform, and 82% of shoppers look for insights on at least ONE social media platform before making a purchase.
And these stats aren’t going anywhere but up: social commerce sales are expected to rise again this year by over 34%.
So in other words, if you aren’t focused on building a profitable personal brand for your business… it’s time to step up to the plate. I’m here to help you today… by walking you through a quick review of your social media presence, so you can identify where you stand to improve.
In fact, we invite you to open up your phone and follow along with me right now, as we review your accounts together.
Let’s dive in:
Why You Need a Personal Brand | Check Your Profiles
Take a look at your profiles on each social media platform and make sure they are up to date. This sounds like a no brainer, but it’s amazing how many people we talk to who have dormant Instagram accounts or Facebook business pages they aren’t using anymore.
If you are no longer using an account, that’s fine! But you need to delete it! Social media profiles are some of the first things to show up in search results if a potential customer or clients searches your name on google… and you don’t want them stumbling across an old Instagram page you haven’t logged into since 2014.
If your plan is to begin using that account again… be sure to log in and update all the important info like your profile photo, bio & any important links so if someone finds it, they can connect with you.
Why You Need a Personal Brand | Your Brand Voice
When reviewing your social media platforms… is it clear who you help, and how you help them? If your ideal client were to stumble upon your facebook, instagram or tiktok profile right this second: would they recognize you as a potential resource for the solutions they’re looking for?
When clicking on your profile, the first thing a potential client or customer will notice is your profile picture and your bio. Your profile picture on all platforms needs to be the same. And your bio needs to clearly state who your product, service & business are for… and what solution they provide.
If you want to dive deeper into identifying your ideal client & customer, and getting super clear on who your business helps, and how it helps them, check out this video.
Why You Need a Personal Brand | Your Content Strategy
If someone were to skim your last 5 posts… do they back up what you say in your bio?
Your bio states who you help and how you help them. Your content proves it.
If your bio states that you help new Moms lose the baby weight with simple 15 minute work outs they can do from home… but your last 5 posts are nothing but funny cat videos or political rants, your potential customer or client isn’t going to stick around long.
Make sure your posts properly support your brand by sharing value with your audience and also making it clear what you sell. We did an entire video on the 7 types of social media posts you need to be using to get more leads, sales & signups, which you can watch right here.
On platforms like Instagram and Facebook, your content goes beyond just your posts. The right Facebook & Instagram stories strategy will give you a competitive edge in creating know, like & trust with your audience… communicating value with them… and in actually selling.
Stories are where you get to let your followers take a peek behind the curtain, and meet the human behind the brand! They are also incredible for creating conversation with your audience by adding questions & polls. You can also use stickers, and even music to showcase your personality and help you stand out.
So let’s evaluate your story strategy – first… are you using stories consistently? If not, it’s time to start! Next… what are you posting? Is it all me, me, me… or are you utilizing stories to connect and communicate with your audience, offer value, and start conversations?
Stories are also a great place to showcase your products by sharing testimonials, highlighting features, inviting followers to DM you for more information, and directing them to other resources like a free value facebook group, freebie, or even your website where they can get additional value or make a purchase.
You should be posting at least 3 stories a day, consistently… and 5-10 a day is even better!
Why You Need a Personal Brand | Bringing It All Together
When someone finds you on social media? What happens next? Yes… it’s great to get likes, comments and followers… but if your goal on social media is to boost your leads, sales and sign ups, you need to have a profitable selling strategy in place.
We use freebie funnels to drive followers to our email list, by offering them a valuable free resource in exchange for their name & email. We love social media for finding & connecting with our ideal clients and customers, but even in today’s post-pandemic world… 95% of our sales come from our email list.
Once someone is on our email list, we use our micro offer and webinar funnels to share additional value with them and close sales on autopilot. Systems and automation are what allow us to consistently increase our income and our impact… while simultaneously creating more time & financial freedom from our business.
So my question to you is: once someone finds you on social media, do you have the systems in place to funnel them to your products & services, or are you simply relying on your social media posts and the ever-changing algorithm to get sales?
If you don’t have the systems in place yet, I have to ask: what’s holding you back? If it’s a lack of knowledge, or clarity… or even a question of the necessity of such a system, then I invite you to join us for our free 60 minute training where we share our complete 5-phase profit system so you can see for yourself how to create consistent, repeatable revenue in your business on autopilot… so you can create a true freedom-focused business that brings in leads & sales 24/7.
Inside this free training we also share our secret weapon for getting paid WHILE you build your audience on social media… without complicated launches or time consuming zoom calls, so you can start turning a profit quickly, even if you’re starting from scratch. You can reserve your seat now by clicking on the button below
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Our Six Figure Blueprint Starter Guide – Learn More
Ready to level up your business, but unsure of where to start? With so many strategies out there for building your business online, the shiny object struggle is real, friend!
Let us take the guesswork out of the equation and show you the exact blueprint we used to take our dreams and turn them into a profitable online business!
Profitable Social Media Posting Plan for Facebook, Instagram & Stories – Learn More
Are you ready to show up, get seen, and start generating more sales on social media?
Inside this powerful resource we share our exact social media posting plan (with a sample schedule!) for Facebook, Instagram and Stories… giving you a rinse-and-repeat strategy you can start using to generate more likes, comments, leads & sales today!
FREE TRAINING: Go Behind the Scenes of the Personal Branding Strategy We Used to Go from Social Media Nobodies to Multiple Six Figures in 10 Months – Learn More
Did you get some value out of this episode?
We sure hope so, because we put our hearts and souls into sharing our best practices for what is an isn’t working in our network marketing business so you can get better results and reach your own network marketing goals.
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If you love sharing valuable info (and really, who doesn’t!?), please feel free to share!
Each week we put out incredible free content here on blog an across our social media channels.
And for daily inspiration and motivation be sure to join us inside our private Facebook community for ambitious entrepreneurs!
Create a Great Day!
Kathy & Jordan
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