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How to Launch a Personal Brand in 2021 (5 Steps to 6 Figures)

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How to Launch a Personal Brand in 2021 (5 Steps to 6 Figures)

Looking to launch & grow your personal brand to 6 figures and beyond? In this post we’re going to share the exact 5 Step Formula we followed to go from social media nobodies with no brand and no influence to having a multiple six figure business in just 10 months.

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To help you take action and get clarity on how these 5 steps will look in your specific business, we’ve created our 6-Figure Blueprint Starter Guide and we’re offering it free for a limited time. 

This 30-page guide is valued at $97 and is jam packed with everything you need to start, grow and scale your online business using these 5 essential steps — including step-by-step exercises to help you gain clarity, get confidence and take action.  

You can download the guide by clicking on the button above, or just click here.


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What Does It Mean to Have a Freedom Focused Business?

We want you to close your eyes for a minute and imagine what it will feel like when you have a business that brings in sales while you sleep. Or while you’re vacationing with your family, or playing with your kids, or curled up on the front porch reading a good book.

Imagine how it will feel when you send out an email, or put up a post on social media, then go on about your day only to come back later and see that your business generated dozens of leads or thousands of dollars in sales from that one piece of content.

That’s what it means to have a freedom-focused business… and in this post we’re going to share the 5 essential elements you need to make it happen:

Launching Your Personal Brand | Step 1: Attracting an Audience

You can have the best ideas, best products and the most amazing business plan in the world… but if you no one knows you exist, you will never grow a profitable business. 

It starts with knowing who your ideal customer is, and what problems you help them solve. Then creating consistent content on the right social media channels that helps those people with those problems. 

When you do this consistently you become the go-to resource in your niche. You will build an audience of ideal customers, clients and teammates who know, like & trust you and want to do business with you. 

Launching Your Personal Brand | Step 2: Capturing Your Audience

As you build your audience, you also need a strategy to capture their information and bring them further into your world. 

Social media is great, but last we checked we don’t own Facebook or Instagram. And unless you’re name is Mark Zuckerberg, you don’t either. 

(By the way… if you ARE Mark Zuckerberg: Hi!! We’re super grateful for your platforms!) 

So how do you capture your audience? The answer is to build an email list.

Despite growing a following on social media, 95% of our monthly revenue comes from our email list. Social media is where we attract and connect with our audience… but our email list is where we make money. 

Create a free, downloadable resource that’s valuable for your ideal customer and use your social media posts to promote that resource. In our first year of business we were able to add over 40,000 leads to our email list through our free resources, which is what led to us generating multiple six figures in less than year. 

Launching Your Personal Brand | Step 3: Nurturing Your Audience

When building your personal brand, it’s essential that you prioritizing attracting & capturing your audience. It would be nice if everyone was ready to buy right away, but the reality is someone needs to be exposed to your offer 8-12 times before they’re ready to make a decision. 

That’s where nurturing comes in. 

Remember, people do business with people they know, like & trust. By nurturing your audience and creating that bond with them, you won’t just have followers… you will have a tribe of raving fans who love to buy & do business with you! 

There are so many ways to nurture your audience, but here’s what’s worked best for us: 

  • Weekly hero content like the video you’re watching now.
  • Weekly emails reminding our audience to watch the content or catch up on things they missed.
  • A private Facebook group where we give exclusive training
  • And showing up consistently on social media both in our feed and in stories. 

That last one is huge – simply showing up consistently will put you lightyears ahead of MOST people trying to build a brand online!

Launching Your Personal Brand | Step 4: Converting Your Audience

We have to be honest with you: we aren’t big fans of vanity metrics. Likes, comments, followers and even email subscribers might sound great, but they mean nothing to your business if you aren’t bringing in consistent sales. 

We actually built a Facebook page to over 30,000 followers and LOST IT overnight. But because we had a solid strategy in place for capturing our audience, nurturing and converting through our email list, our revenue actually continued to go up… even though we had to start our social media accounts over from scratch. 

 One question we get asked all the time is: How long before I can start making money with my business? 

Our answer: Right away! We use very simple sales funnels that lead our audience from our free offers, to low priced micro offers, and then on to our signature courses and coaching programs… always reminding them of the next step they can take to learn more. 

The key is to keep the end in mind: ultimately, where do you want people to go? What action do you want them to take? Are you leading them to a coaching program, a signature course, to purchase a specific product or to join your team? 

They may make dozens of micro actions and commitments on the way to that goal… 

  • Liking and commenting on a post.
  • Following you on social media.
  • Sending you a DM.
  • Opting in to your email list.
  • Purchasing a smaller product or program. 
  • Booking a strategy call or zoom. 

And because these steps often come first, it’s easy to fall in to the trap of feeling like they are the most important. We get caught up in posting trendy reels or tiktoks, writing the perfect caption or choosing the perfect filter… and forgetting the purpose of WHY we are doing these things. 

Remember your goal is to attract, capture, and nurture your audience SO THAT you ultimately can convert the RIGHT ONES into your products, programs or business. And if you truly believe your products & programs have the power to solve problems for people, then you have an obligation to lead them to that step where you can best serve them.

Launching Your Personal Brand | Step 5: Upgrading Your Audience

A few years ago we flew from Texas to Florida to do a VIP Coaching day with a mentor we really look up to. 

We told him our goal was to make $1,000,000 a year with our business, but when we told him HOW we planned to do that he showed us why the path we had chosen was actually the most difficult one to follow. 

At the time, we only had one product. It was a digital course/membership program that was very inexpensive and our goal was to bring in enough members that we grew it to a million dollars a year. 

During that coaching day he showed us why having multiple streams of income in our business was the fastest way to hit our revenue goals, and taught us how to structure & package those income streams so that we could upgrade casual one-time buyers into true fans and lifetime customers. 

Russel Brunson, the founder of Click Funnels, says all you need is 1,000 true fans to build a six figure business. A true fan is not a casual follower or email subscriber: they are a raving fan who is eager to consume (and buy) anything and everything you promote. 

We came home from that coaching day with our mentor and doubled our business revenue in 90 days thanks to this new philosophy. 

So how do you create a true fan culture in your business?

The first step is to show up consistently, while also consistently offering solutions to their biggest problems and pain points. You can’t build this culture without first becoming a person of true value… double down on your customer experience, take care of your people, show up for them consistently, and they will be eager to upgrade their experience and investment with you! 

Bringing It All Together

Okay, so now we have to know: Which of these 5 steps are you most excited about implementing in your business? Let us know in the comments below. 

And just to recap them one last time: 

  • Attract Your Audience
  • Capture Your Audience
  • Nurture Your Audience
  • Convert Your Audience
  • Upgrade Your Audience

To help you take action and get clarity on how these 5 steps will look in your specific business, we’ve created our 6-Figure Blueprint Starter Guide and we’re offering it free for a limited time. 

This 30-page guide is valued at $97 and is jam packed with everything you need to start, grow and scale your online business using these 5 essential steps — including step-by-step exercises to help you gain clarity, get confidence and take action.  

Click on button below to grab it now!

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Our Six Figure Blueprint Starter Guide – Learn More

Ready to level up your business, but unsure of where to start? With so many strategies out there for building your business online, the shiny object struggle is real, friend!

Let us take the guesswork out of the equation and show you the exact blueprint we used to take our dreams and turn them into a profitable online business!

Our Proven Social Media Posting Plan for Facebook, Instagram & Stories – Learn More

Are you ready to show up, get seen, and start generating more sales on social media?

Inside this powerful resource we share our exact social media posting plan (with a sample schedule!) for Facebook, Instagram and Stories… giving you a rinse-and-repeat strategy you can start using to generate more likes, comments, leads & sales today!

FREE TRAINING: Go Behind the Scenes of the Personal Branding Strategy We Used to Go from Social Media Nobodies to Multiple Six Figures in 10 Months – Learn More

Did you get some value out of this episode?

We sure hope so, because we put our hearts and souls into sharing our best practices for what is an isn’t working in our network marketing business so you can get better results and reach your own network marketing goals.

Did you get value from this post?

If you love sharing valuable info (and really, who doesn’t!?), please feel free to share!

Each week we put out incredible free content here on blog an across our social media channels.

And for daily inspiration and motivation be sure to join us inside our private Facebook community for ambitious entrepreneurs! 

Create a Great Day!

Kathy & Jordan

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