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Choose the Best Social Media Platforms for Your Business (With Full Posting Plan)

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Choose the Best Social Media Platform for Your Business (With Full Posting Plan)

With so many social media platforms out there, how do you know which ones are best for growing your business? In this video we’re going to show you how to choose the best platforms for you, based on your goals, and give you a step-by-step plan for what to post so you can start generating more leads and sales on social media.

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To help you take action and start getting leads and sales on social media right away, we want to share our Proven Social Media Posting Plan with you!

Inside this 9 page guide you’ll get our complete social media posting schedule for the most popular social media platforms, along with our complete strategy for Facebook and Instagram stories! 

Say goodbye to confusion and overwhelm when it comes to posting on social media, and start posting with confidence today! 

You can download the complete posting plan by clicking on the button above, or just click here.


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The Purpose of Social Media for Business:

Social media is a HUGE part of growing your online business. But with so many platforms out there, one of the questions we hear most often from our community is: which platform should I be using? 

Inside our Freedom-Focused Profit System, we teach the 5 pillars of a successful, freedom-focused business: Attract, Capture, Nurture, Convert & Upgrade. 

What many people don’t realize is each social platform serves a different purpose: the same platform that’s great for attracting an audience, might not be great for nurturing and converting. The platforms that are best for nurturing your current audience, might not be the best for attracting new people into your world. 

In this post we’re going to break down the Big 3 Social Media Platforms where we and our students are having the most success right now. And by the time this video is over you won’t just know WHICH ONES to focus on in your business, but you’ll have a proven plan to help you grow. 

Social Media for Business: Facebook

Up until recently, we built our business exclusively on Facebook. Our strategy on Facebook was to create a free resource funnel, use Facebook to run ads to that funnel to generate traffic and grow our email list, and then invite those leads to join us inside our free value Facebook group where we could continue to nurture and sell. We connected with a lot of those group members by becoming Facebook Friends on our personal profiles, which is another amazing place to nurture, build relationships. create real connection and drive sales.

This process worked extremely well for us, and it still works today. IF you know how to run Facebook ads, and have a profitable sales funnel to point those ads to. 

So what about organic growth? Yes, you can network in Facebook groups, but the reality is… if you’re looking to quickly grow your audience organically, Facebook is NOT the best place to do so. 

It IS a fantastic place to nurture and convert people who are already IN your audience. 

So here’s our final score:

Attract & Capture: ONLY if you’re ads savvy and have a proven, profitable sales funnel to run ads to. If you already have a funnel that’s generating leads and profit for you organically, ads can be a great way to get more eyeballs on that funnel. But ONLY if that funnel is already proven to work and is already making you money.

Nurture: YES! Create a free value Facebook group and use it as a place to build deeper relationships with those who are already in your audience! 

Convert & Upgrade: YES, IF you already have an audience. Again… Facebook ads are a great way to drive traffic to your products and services, as long as you have a proven funnel. And a Facebook group is a great place to convert followers into new customers, and encourage longtime customers to keep coming back. The key is to have a solid attraction + capture strategy in place so your group is consistently growing and adding new members each week!

Social Media for Business: TikTok

When TikTok first came on the scene, we weren’t big fans. And if you think TikTok is all about Gen Z trends and silly dance moves, then you’ve likely been missing out on its potential to grow your business… just like we were!

Because it’s still a relatively new platform, the TikTok algorithm is super forgiving and is a great way to get your content out to a new audience, quickly. In fact, one of our clients, Bryan, grew his tiktok following from 0 to over 60,000 in just 5 MONTHS. In all our years on social media, we’ve never seen ANYONE grow an audience as quickly as what many of our friends and clients have been able to do on TikTok. 

So here’s our score: 

Attract & Capture: YES! TikTok is probably the BEST place to attract new people to your audience. And once you hit 1,000 followers you can add a link to your bio, and drive people to a freebie funnel to capture their information and grow your email list. 

Nurture: Not so much. Since TikTok ONLY allows the short video formats, and the algorithm heavily favors videos that are 30 seconds or less, it’s not the best place to nurture your audience. The good news is you can link your TikTok to your Instagram and use the link in bio to drive traffic to your other social media platforms, including your free value Facebook group. 

Convert + Upgrade: YES! People LOVE to buy on TikTok. In fact, with the right strategy, you can wrack up tens of thousands of dollars in monthly sales directly from the app, especially if you are selling products. Once you hit 1,000 followers you also get the ability to go live… and while Facebook Lives are primarily there to give value for your audience, you can think of TikTok lives like a QVC style television show. Use your lives to do product demos, offer specials and incentives, and drive people to purchase immediately through the link in your bio!

*While TikTok makes it extremely easy to get NEW customers, make sure you have a proven nurturing plan in place through email and other social media platforms in order to upgrade and turn them into lifetime customers!

Social Media for Business: Instagram

A few years ago, Instagram was undisputedly the BEST place to grow an audience organically online. But as the app got more crowded, and the algorithms got tougher, many people reported that it was hard to grow a new audience on Instagram. 

That all changed, with Instagram Reels. 

The great thing about Instagram and Facebook is that they are the BEST imitators. If a feature is doing well on a competing platform, you can bet they will introduce a similar feature on their own. 

A prime example is SnapChat… when snapchats disappearing story features became insanely popular, Facebook and Instagram were quick to roll out their own Story feature. 

And when the short form videos on TikTok started gaining traction, we got Instagram Reels. 

Many creators are growing their accounts by hundreds, or even thousands of followers a week thanks to Instagram reels. And thanks to Instagram’s plethora of other features, the platform really is in a class by itself. 

So here’s our final score: 

Attract & Capture: YES! A consistent Instagram Reels strategy combined with a solid link in bio can help you not only attract an audience and gain followers, but also bring them deeper into your world by pushing them through your freebie funnel and getting them on your email list. 

Nurture: YES! Features like Instagram Stories, Highlights, Feed Posts and Instagram’s robust DM platform makes it ideal for not just attract new followers and leads, but nurturing them as well. Use all of Instagram’s features to establish yourself as a trusted resource for your audience and connect with them on a personal level. 

Convert + Upgrade: Again, YES! While Instagrammers aren’t quite as ‘shopping happy’ as TikTok Users, people are conditioned to shop and buy directly from people and brands they love through the app. And the best part is… we’ve found Instagram customers are more likely to become raving fans and repeat buyers!

People use Instagram to discover brands, products and services they love… and now more than ever, people will often go check out a brand’s instagram account when deciding whether to make a purchase. 

A great example… Kathy recently hosting a bridal shower for her youngest daughter’s best friend, and found an amazing local vendor who created custom charcuterie boards for the event. She actually found the woman by searching within the Instagram app… as it’s search & discover feature makes it super easy to find and connect with new brands and businesses you might not have heard of. 

 AND since Instagram is owned by Facebook and gets to use Facebook’s robust Ads Platform, it’s also a great place to run ads and attract a new audience even faster… if you have a proven funnel in place. 

Social Media for Business: Our Strategy

Okay, so now you should have a pretty clear idea of WHICH Platform is best for your business. Here at the Global Freedom Community we use Instagram & TikTok to grow our audience organically, and Facebook to grow our audience using ads. 

We use Instagram and Facebook groups to nurture our audience – both through our free value Facebook group, and our support and accountability groups for our paying clients. 

And we use select features within each platform to convert and upgrade our audience into our paid offers. 

If we were to start ALL over from scratch, we would focus on Instagram Reels and TikTok to rapidly grow our audience organically and test our freebie and sales funnels. Once we had a proven funnel that was profitable organically, we would pour some gasoline on the fire by running a few Facebook ads to it. And we would still drive all our leads to join our free value Facebook group, as it is our favorite place to nurture and really connect with the people who are most active in our community.

So now that you know the purpose of the platforms, let’s talk posting strategies. But before we do… we would love it if you’d drop us a comment below and tell us which social media platform you’re committed to growing over the next 90 days, based on what you discovered today.

Facebook. Instagram. TikTok. Let us know in the comments below!

Social Media for Business: Your Posting Plan

Facebook Business Page: Don’t stress about this one too much. The Facebook algorithm doesn’t really like to show your business posts to people, unless you’re running ads to that post. So yeah… if you have a Facebook business page, pre-schedule a few inspirational quotes to post each week, share your weekly hero content, like your YouTube videos or blog posts, and go live once a week at the same time as a way to deliver deeper value to your audience. 

A great tip… send an email out to your list 15 minutes before you go live with a link for them to watch the broadcast on your business page! This will instantly 10x your views! You can also use a program like StreamYard to stream live on your business page, personal profile and in your groups simultaneously! 

Facebook Profile: Right now the algorithm is really loving it if you post just once a day. Each week, post 1 personal post, 1 inspiring post, 2 value posts, 1 entertaining post and 2 promotional posts on your personal profile. 

Put anything else you want to post in your stories! 

Instagram: There are 3 main posting categories you want to hit each week on Instagram: Attract, Nurture and Convert. 

Unlike Facebook, the Instagram algorithm does NOT punish you for posting more often. So set a goal to post at least 1x per day on Instagram, and as many as 4x a day. The key is to focus on what you can maintain, as consistency is the biggest factor for algorithmic favor on Instagram! It’s better to post once a day consistently than it is to post 4x a day for a week, then take a week off because you’re exhausted or out of content ideas. 

For maximum growth, 3-7 of your posts each week should be Instagram reels. 

TikTok: Think of Instagram, but MORE! For maximum growth on TikTok you want to be posting 3-5 times a day, still hitting those 3 categories (attract, nurture and convert) all focused on ONE specific niche. 

Use clear calls to action to drive viewers to visit the link in your bio, purchase your products or connect with you on other social media platforms. 

Social Media for Business: It’s Time to Take Action!

If you want our full social media posting strategy, including full definitions and descriptions of each post type, our expert posting tips AND our complete Facebook & Instagram Stories strategy, then be sure to download our free Social Media Posting Plan. 

This is our most popular free resource, and we always keep it updated with the best practices for each platform, using the most current algorithm updates. We provide you with a sample posting schedule for each platform, not just for your feed posts… but for your stories as well. 

This posting plan is valued at $97, but you can download it free right now by clicking here or just click on the image below!

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Our Six Figure Blueprint Starter Guide – Learn More

Ready to level up your business, but unsure of where to start? With so many strategies out there for building your business online, the shiny object struggle is real, friend!

Let us take the guesswork out of the equation and show you the exact blueprint we used to take our dreams and turn them into a profitable online business!

Our Proven Social Media Posting Plan for Facebook, Instagram & Stories – Learn More

Are you ready to show up, get seen, and start generating more sales on social media?

Inside this powerful resource we share our exact social media posting plan (with a sample schedule!) for Facebook, Instagram and Stories… giving you a rinse-and-repeat strategy you can start using to generate more likes, comments, leads & sales today!

FREE TRAINING: Go Behind the Scenes of the Personal Branding Strategy We Used to Go from Social Media Nobodies to Multiple Six Figures in 10 Months – Learn More

Did you get some value out of this episode?

We sure hope so, because we put our hearts and souls into sharing our best practices for what is an isn’t working in our network marketing business so you can get better results and reach your own network marketing goals.

Did you get value from this post?

If you love sharing valuable info (and really, who doesn’t!?), please feel free to share!

Each week we put out incredible free content here on blog an across our social media channels.

And for daily inspiration and motivation be sure to join us inside our private Facebook community for ambitious entrepreneurs! 

Create a Great Day!

Kathy & Jordan

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