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SMART Goals for Entrepreneurs | Why They Don’t Work (And What to Do Instead!)

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SMART Goals for Entrepreneurs | Why They Don’t Work (And What to Do Instead)

Have you been told to set SMART goals for your business, but you keep falling short? Or maybe you’ve afraid to set goals for your business, because you’re nervous you might fail. Don’t worry friend… it’s not you! In this video we’re going to share why setting SMART goals doesn’t work for most people, and give you our #1 goal setting strategy guaranteed to get you excited and help you reach any goal… fast!

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To help you take action on your new goals, we’ve created our 6-Figure Blueprint Starter Guide and we’re offering it free for a limited time. 

This 30-page guide is valued at $97 and is jam packed with everything you need to start, grow and scale your online business using these 5 essential steps — including step-by-step exercises to help you gain clarity, get confidence and take action.  

You can download the guide by clicking on the button above, or just click here.


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SMART Goals for Entrepreneurs | Why They DON’T Work:

Setting goals you can get excited and feel confident about is a very important part of being an entrepreneur. After all, you can’t hit a target you can’t see… and if you don’t have an end point in mind, it’s impossible to know if you’re on the right track. 

That being said… contrary to popular belief, setting SMART goals for your business often isn’t enough to motivate you, and keep you going in the face of the distractions, fears, and obstacles that will inevitably try to stand in your way.

The entrepreneurial journey is a bumpy one, friend. And you need all the tools you can carry to get you safely from Point A to Point Where You Want to Be.

So Why do SMART Goals not work? 

Smart goals are an excellent tool to use in your business, but if you START there, you are almost certain to fail. 

You see, this is where most entrepreneurs go wrong: They set a specific, measurable goal they can take action on, with a realistic time frame in which to achieve it. It sounds great, at first…

And for the first few days after setting a SMART goal you will probably do just fine. 

But after that initial excitement wears off… things start to happen: you come up against roadblocks and obstacles you weren’t expecting: 

Rejection. Lack of support from your friends and family. Comparing yourself to others on social media in a negative way. A busy schedule that leaves you feeling exhausted at the end of the day… in no state of mind to sit down and focus on your business. 

And by themselves, your SMART goals simply aren’t strong enough to keep you on track in the face of all these things that will try to keep you from moving forward. 

So what’s the solution? We’re going to break it down for you in 3, easy to follow steps:

The SMARTER Solution | Step 1: Create a Personal Vision

When you place vision before goals, you will become unstoppable. Filled with a limitless amount of creativity, energy, enthusiasm, courage and persistence.

Let us explain: 

Having a vision for your life and business means having a crystal clear picture of where you’re going, combined with the unshakeable belief that you will get there. 

If you’ve ever set a stretch goal while trying to ignore that little voice in your head that says, “Yeah, that’s never going to happen for you”, then you KNOW how important that last piece – that unshakeable belief – really is. 

So how do you get vision? 

First, we need you to Practice Limitless Thinking 

We need you to suspend your disbelief for 30 minutes while you work on this exercise. For 30 minutes, agree to let go of any fears, any self doubts, any what ifs. Let go of needing to know HOW you’re going to where you want to go… and focus solely on the destination. 

Grab a fresh journal or some blank sheets of paper, and take 30 minutes to sit quietly by yourself. You’re going to create your perfect day. 

Fast forward to a day 3-5 years from now, and imagine your day in perfect, colorful detail. This isn’t a special day. It’s an ordinary day, in the middle of your extraordinary life. 

The more detail you can use when creating this day, the more powerful it will be for you. When your eyes open in the morning, what do you see? When you step out of bed, what’s the first thing you do? Take some time to write out a complete timeline of your day from the minute your eyes open, until the moment they close that night. 

What do you do. 

Who do you see? 

Who do you help? 

Who do you talk with?

What are you excited about? 

This is your PERSONAL vision. So yes, your business can be a part of this… but this is so much bigger than how many commas are in your bank account, or the size of your social media platforms. 

When writing out your day, write in first person and use sentences that engage all 5 of your senses. For some people, their perfect day fills a page and a half… for others, it’s 5 or 6 pages or even more. There is no wrong or right here, other than to say: You are NOT allowed to hold back. You’re not allowed to ask yourself HOW you’re going to arrive at this day. 

For 30 minutes, we’re asking you to simply believe that you will. 

Your personal vision is the emotional thread that connects your daily activities to your ultimate destination. 

We’re sure we can all agree… we don’t really like the hassle of flying. Even with TSA pre-check… it’s a pain, right? 

We can’t think of anyone that would wake up in the morning, excited to go to the airport, pay for parking, check their luggage, and go through security just for the fun of it, sit next to a smelly stranger on a 5 hour flight… only to walk off the plane, collect their luggage and get right back in line without ever leaving the airport to do it all over again and fly home. That would be crazy. 

And yet, when we don’t have a clear destination. A clear PERSONAL VISION. The daily activities that are required for us to reach our business goals feel a lot like standing in the security line at the airport. 

It’s the vision of the beach… of the hugs from family… of the sidewalk cafes in Paris… that make the hassle worth it. 

Your business is the plane. Your personal vision, is the beach. 

Okay, now that you have your personal vision, and you understand WHY you need to have a clear picture of your destination and know WHERE you’re going before you decide how you’ll get there.

The SMARTER Solution | Step 2: Create a Business Vision

Society teaches you to go to school, get a good job, and then… when your job allows you to… use your vacation, and plan for retirement so you can do the things you really want to do. 

In business, we get to do the opposite. We get to design a lifestyle we want FIRST, and then go build a business that serves that lifestyle. 

You’ve already completed your personal vision. Now it’s time to create a vision of the business that will make that personal vision possible. 

Pull out your sheet of paper again, and take 15-20 minutes to write this out. Suspend your disbelief for me one more time… and describe your ultimate business experience. 

If you could fast forward 5 years from now, and have the PERFECT business, what would that look like? 

What are you doing? 

Who are you helping? 

How do you FEEL while going about your day to day activities? 

Are you speaking on a stage? Are you a best selling author? 

How do you see yourself, and how do others see you?

Forget vanity metrics and surface level goals here, and go DEEPER. Don’t describe the achievements. Describe the EXPERIENCE. Again, write in first person and do your best to active all 5 senses with what you write. 

Now that you have your business and personal vision locked in, you are ready to set some goals. Your vision is where you’ll get your passion. It’s where you’ll get the creativity, courage, energy, enthusiasm and persistence to take the actions required to reach your goals.

The SMARTER Solution | Step 3: Create SMARTER Goals

We recommend setting a 1 year goal, a 90 day goal and a 30 day goal for your business. And instead of SMART goals, we prefer SMARTER goals. 

Create goals that are specific, measurable, actionable, risky, timebound, exciting and… here’s the big one: relevant. 

Every single goal you set must be aligned with your business and personal vision. 

If this goal will not bring that vision closer to reality, then it’s not the goal for you. 

Having a clear vision tells you what to say yes to, and what to say no to. And allows you to go all in with confidence, or say NO without guilt because you know your decision is serving your higher vision and purpose. 

You’ll notice the other big change here… with the first R. Rather than setting realistic goals, we encourage you to set RISKY goals. If a goal is a sure thing, then you aren’t aiming high enough. 

It’s time to let go of that old belief that failing to hit a goal in the time you have allowed means that you failed to achieve that goal. 

The only way to fail is to not try. 

So what if you don’t hit your deadline? You will be infinitely closer than if you had played it safe, or worse… not set the goal at all. And by setting specific, measurable goals with a clear action plan that are a little bit risky… that are exciting… and relevant to your journey, you will be 10x closer to achieving them at that deadline than if you had played it safe or hadn’t tried at all. 

Okay, so we’re going to ask you to get a bit vulnerable with us here in the comments:

We would absolutely LOVE to hear one big thing that exists within your personal vision. We know you haven’t been through the entire exercise yet, but we’re guessing there was something… some big dream that’s been living in your heart for a long time… that popped into your mind as soon as we started talking about this. 

We would love for you to share that in the comments, so we can celebrate and visualize alongside you!

The SMARTER Solution | Bringing It All Together

So let’s recap the steps and show you how to leverage them going forward: 

Vision — take 45-60 minutes to suspend all disbelief. Let go of needing to know HOW you’ll get there, and instead just focus on the big picture. A 10/10 Life and a 10/10 business. No playing small. No holding back. 

THEN, and ONLY THEN… create a set of goals 1 year, 90 days, 30 days. 

Each morning, review your vision. Read, preferably OUT LOUD, your personal and business vision every single morning. And then WRITE your goals out each day. At the end of the month, create a new 30 day goal that serves your bigger 90 day and 1 year goals. Each quarter, create a new 90 day goal that serves your 1 year goal. 

This is a simple, powerful and repeatable goal setting and vision strategy that will pay dividends not just in your business, but in helping you create a lifestyle you love. 

And if you need some help on your action plan, head on over to to download our Six Figure Blueprint Starter Guide. 

Inside this guide we break down the 5 steps we followed to go from social media nobodies to multiple six figures in just 10 months working just a few hours a week on our laptops. This is our trademark Freedom-Focused Profit System, and we know it will help you in creating clear, actionable goals that align with your vision. 

Click on button below to grab it now!

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Our Six Figure Blueprint Starter Guide – Learn More

Ready to level up your business, but unsure of where to start? With so many strategies out there for building your business online, the shiny object struggle is real, friend!

Let us take the guesswork out of the equation and show you the exact blueprint we used to take our dreams and turn them into a profitable online business!

Our Proven Social Media Posting Plan for Facebook, Instagram & Stories – Learn More

Are you ready to show up, get seen, and start generating more sales on social media?

Inside this powerful resource we share our exact social media posting plan (with a sample schedule!) for Facebook, Instagram and Stories… giving you a rinse-and-repeat strategy you can start using to generate more likes, comments, leads & sales today!

FREE TRAINING: Go Behind the Scenes of the Personal Branding Strategy We Used to Go from Social Media Nobodies to Multiple Six Figures in 10 Months – Learn More

Did you get some value out of this episode?

We sure hope so, because we put our hearts and souls into sharing our best practices for what is an isn’t working in our network marketing business so you can get better results and reach your own network marketing goals.

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And for daily inspiration and motivation be sure to join us inside our private Facebook community for ambitious entrepreneurs! 

Create a Great Day!

Kathy & Jordan

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