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Did you know that Facebook groups can be one of the fastest ways to grow your audience organically… IF you have them set up correctly? The right group strategy can bring hundreds, or even thousands of leads into your business on autopilot every single month…
And in this video we’re going to share 5 tips for setting up your Facebook group properly so that it grows your brand, AND your bottom line.
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Want to learn how to create a profitable social media presence and start generating more leads, sales and signups online? In this free masterclass we’re sharing the exact 5-Step Blueprint we followed to go from social media nobodies (with no audience or influence!) to hitting $300K in sales with our personal brand in just 10 months.
The best part? We did it all by working just a few hours a week on our laptops: without complicated launches… filling our calendar up with one on one services… or hanging out on social media all day sending messages to strangers on the internet.
We break it all down for you inside our Repeatable Revenue Masterclass. You can reserve your seat now by clicking on the button above, or just click here.
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So many entrepreneurs are using Facebook groups to nurture their audience and generate more sales in their business. BUT did you know groups are also a great way to expose your brand to new people you don’t know yet… who are actively looking for solutions to the problems and pain points your business can solve?
With the right strategy you can use your Facebook group to grow your audience, build know like and trust, AND generate leads, sales and signups… virtually on autopilot. It’s easier than you might think, so let’s dive in to it:
How to Use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Brand | Naming Your Group
The first tip is to name your group. Sounds easy, but this is actually one of the most important pieces in your strategy IF you want your group to attract new members automatically.
While it might be tempting to come up with a fun, whimsical name for your group… it’s important to choose a name that has keywords that your target audience might be searching online.
If you want to dive deeper into discovering your target audience – in other words, find and attract your ideal customers, clients and teammates on social media, we did an entire video on the subject… which you can watch here.
So let’s talk about naming your group. When we first launched our personal brand, we named our group the same name as our business! Global Freedom Community! It made sense, right? But we were wrong.
Our target audience is ambitious, female entrepreneurs who want to automate their business and create more revenue online.
Those women aren’t out there searching for the global freedom community! Instead, you want to name your group based on who you help and how you help them.
We changed the name of our group to Female Entrepreneurs; Automate Your Biz and Create Revenue on Autopilot
Now if anyone goes searching for a Facebook group using the keywords Female Entrepreneurs, Automate Your Biz, or even the word Revenue… our group will be at the top of those search results.
When we changed the name of our group, the number of organic member requests we started receiving tripled… practically overnight.
How to Use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Brand | The ‘About’ Section
When creating your group you want to make it private, but visible and fill out your “About” section very strategically.
The about section can be seen before a person requests to join and in a search, the first few words will show.
Make it clear who the group is for. No need to repeat the name but expand on what’s in it for them if they join the group.
What does the group offer? Who is the group for, and what are the benefits of joining?
For example, our about section says: Networking + training to help you work smarter, not harder. We help ambitious women automate their online business & create revenue on autopilot.
How to Use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Brand | Cover Photo
The 3rd tip is to make sure your cover photo includes your group name AND is on brand and looking really sharp. Canva has great templates for this to help you get started… and again, new members can see this photo before they ever request to join the group, so you want to make a strong first impression!
How to Use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Brand | Group Settings
Tip #4 is to make sure your settings are formatted correctly.
Select a group type, location if you’re a local brand, and be sure to add a few related tags to your Facebook group, which will help it show up in more search queries.
Set up a custom web address, again this helps with search, and we recommend just using your group name as the custom web address.
Enable post moderation under the posting permissions. Doing this will let you see what’s posted to your Facebook group before it goes live, and delete any spammy or inappropriate posts before they’re seen by your group members.
Also, be sure to link your group to your brand’s Facebook page… so that your group will appear on your page, and your page will appear on your group. The more places you can encourage members to connect with you, the better!
How to Use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Brand | Membership Approval
Alright — Tip #5 is our favorite: And that is… membership approval.
Set up the group so that only admins can approve new members, and set up questions your members will need to answer before they are approved to join.
One of your questions should be to ask if they want to be added to your email list. You’d be SHOCKED how many people say YES to this step. And the best part is you can use the chrome extension called Group Leads so that every time someone enters their email address when joining your group, they are added to your email list automatically!
Imagine how many leads you’ll be generating for your business when you have 10, 20 or even 200 new members requesting to join your group every day… many of whom are joining your email list automatically.
Pretty amazing, right?
If you want to dive deeper into how attract, capture and convert your ideal clients & customers… and generate consistent, repeatable revenue with your online business… you definitely need to check out our free training, Our Repeatable Revenue Masterclass.
Inside this free, 60 minute training we share the exact blueprint we followed to go from social media nobodies to hitting 300K in sales with our online business in just 10 months.
You can reserve your seat now by clicking on the button below!
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Our Six Figure Blueprint Starter Guide – Learn More
Ready to level up your business, but unsure of where to start? With so many strategies out there for building your business online, the shiny object struggle is real, friend!
Let us take the guesswork out of the equation and show you the exact blueprint we used to take our dreams and turn them into a profitable online business!
Our Proven Social Media Posting Plan for Facebook, Instagram & Stories – Learn More
Are you ready to show up, get seen, and start generating more sales on social media?
Inside this powerful resource we share our exact social media posting plan (with a sample schedule!) for Facebook, Instagram and Stories… giving you a rinse-and-repeat strategy you can start using to generate more likes, comments, leads & sales today!
FREE TRAINING: Go Behind the Scenes of the Personal Branding Strategy We Used to Go from Social Media Nobodies to Multiple Six Figures in 10 Months – Learn More
Did you get some value out of this episode?
We sure hope so, because we put our hearts and souls into sharing our best practices for what is an isn’t working in our network marketing business so you can get better results and reach your own network marketing goals.
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Create a Great Day!
Kathy & Jordan
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